Friday, April 29, 2011


Oh they love each other! (just like Kate and Will!). Some little kissing fish I designed using a basic circle shape as my starting point. I have a series of little 'O' shaped creatures to show you over the next few months, once they are complete I will turn them into some nifty little posters.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day at the Zoo

Meet some acrylic creatures I created over the long weekend. I am going to produce greeting cards using these images and I have heaps more ideas for some other animal paintings using the same theme 'one of these things is not like the others'. I am working on re-branding my illustration website and hope to incorporate these somehow, I think they would look great on business cards and letter heads. If you haven't signed up for my newsletter yet you can do so on the right and see my new branding very soon!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Lou to the Rescue

Here I am working out my new dry brush meets collage technique with the lovely Life Guard Lou. I have been looking through animation books lately and watching heaps of old cartoons (purely for research purposes of course) and I absolutely love the contrast between the simple textured old school animation backgrounds (look at the Flintstones for example) and the flat colour characters. I am aiming to capture this in my illustration by using dry brush to create very simple backgrounds and collage for my foreground characters. I used contact paper in this illustration to mask out areas for painting and am honestly not sure why I never thought of this before! its fabulous! I think stocks in contact paper are about to go up people. I plan to do a series of Lou related illustrations and am currently working on his female fan club, stay tuned.

Also if you have any comments or feedback it would be more than welcome.

Monday, April 11, 2011

SPACE (or lack thereof)

I decided to test out a new technique this week. For this illustration I have used a mixture of collage and dry brush acrylic, I feel some elements are working but I would like to become more graphic with this technique in future and really force myself to simplify the elements more. purr